Fox on the Hunt




IMG_2695I went out to Blackhill Regional Park to see what might be moving around. I was losing light fast so I set the ISO high to catch the geese as they came in. The second pair had no sooner hit the water than the first pair swam right for them honking with their necks out and low to the water. They chased the second pair off. Lots of honking and wing flapping. I spotted something red on the bank. It was a beautiful red fox. He came down to the water where several ducks were swimming. I thought he was going to have dinner right there. He was so close it looked like he could reach out and take one anytime he wanted but he seemed to lose interest and moved on. I am showing you the pictures of the fox with my apologize for the grainyness. You can bet the next time I will have the ISO where it belongs.

About Phillips Farm Photography

I am a retired farmer in Maryland. Time is now available to combine my love of nature and photography into a note card and print business. Photography keeps be active and outdoors most of the time. I enjoy sharing with people the nature I see on my farm and nearby parks.
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